5 fun facts about cats

Many people are extremely passionate about felines... the Egyptians for a long time, about 3600 years ago, were already very attracted to cats,

They even made statues to honor their cats.

For that reason, we brought you some 5 curiosities about cats that you may not know!   

So don't waste time and read to check out what you don't know!

1- A feline jump is up to 5 times its height

It even seems that cats often have springs instead of paws, don't you agree? 

The world's record for the highest jump was held by a feline named Nyah-Suke who lives in Japan. He managed to reach a height of 1.96m tall in his jumps.

2- Felines hide their emotions

As many already know, cats don't usually show their different emotions to interact, for example.

And they are that way due to their instinct of nature, and they are distrustful, that way, they don't show their emotions like that.

And that makes many humans think that they are self-interested, in other words, they care more about their home than their owner.

However, this is not true, because felines are companions and loving. What differentiates them is the different form of demonstration.

3- Cats see better and worse than humans at the same time

Feline vision is better, due to the fact that they are able to see more in darker places, in addition to also having a spherical view above that of humans.

And worse for the reason that felines don't have the ability to see many colors like humans.

4- When felines take dead smaller animals home, they are not for their owner

Different from what many people think, cats do not take dead animals home to feed or please their owner, but to feed themselves.

That's right, cats have the hunter's instinct, so they hunt in order to eat. 

However, they end up becoming uninterested in the prey and opt for the food given by their owners.

5- Cats fall on their feet, but they can be injured depending on the height

Research shows that the body of cats is prepared to fall from great heights, and they move their spine at the time of the fall with millimeter precision that makes it possible for them to land on their feet.

But what many don't know is that even though they land on their feet, they can get hurt, it could be because they stepped wrong when they fell, hit their chin, etc.

Due to the aerodynamics of the feline body, cats can fall from a height of up to 7 meters with low chances of getting hurt. 

But a height greater than that already increases the likelihood of getting hurt.

So if you have a cat and live in a tall building, for example, you need to take special care.

Therefore, pay attention to taking certain care of your four-legged pet, such as using screens, on balconies, among other things.