7 Facts about Halloween

“Halloween” is a tradition on the Emerald Isle that has been spread throughout the world. Halloween originated in Ireland a long time ago and is of Celtic origin.

And nowadays, Halloween, in addition to being quite famous, is second only to Christmas in terms of revenue. 

Additionally, there are some interesting facts that you probably don't know. So keep reading to discover 5 interesting facts about Halloween.

1- What is the meaning of the word Halloween?

The word “Halloween” is nothing more than the abbreviation for “All Hallows'Eve” which means “all saints' night”.

2- What would be the colors of Halloween?

The colors purple, black and orange were chosen for no reason to represent this festival that takes place every year.

Each of them has a meaning in Celtic culture.

Purple – represents the magic that is found in all Halloween celebrations.

Black – is the color that predominates among witches, sorceresses, wizards and priests of the master of darkness.

Orange – is the color that shows energy, vitality and strength. The Celts used to believe that spirits would come close to those who dressed in orange to pull in energy.

3- The origin of Halloween happened in Ireland

Like other pagans, the celebration of Halloween is related to the solstice.

It is a tradition of the ancient Celts, who in the beginning celebrated the festival of Samhain, a word that is far from meaning any curse.

It's just the mark of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

The event also celebrated the end of the third and final harvest of the year, the beginning of the time to store provisions for the winter.

4- Why is October 31st?

There are many stories that explain the celebration of Halloween on October 31st.

Some people explain that it is one of the witches' rest days in the Celtic calendar, others say that it is the period of death and resurrection of the Earth.

5- What would be the symbols of Halloween?

There are those who believe in hidden meanings for Halloween symbols. Let's check out some of them.

The spider – symbolizes destiny. The middle of the spider's web demonstrates the support to move forward.

The bat – represents clairvoyance, because the animal understands magnetic fields through the strength of its energy, sensitivity, and therefore sees beyond appearances.

The candle – shows the paths to the spirits.

The cauldron – is part of Celtic culture and was essential in decoration. Inside it, they placed coins with messages that had requests for the spirits.

When the party ended, these coins were removed and given to those in need, and the tickets were burned so that requests could be answered quickly.

6- What does the black cat mean on Halloween?

The feline received a reputation that was rarely seen in ancient legends from different civilizations.

They said that witches transformed into a black cat and there were still those who thought that cats were spirits of the dead.

However, currently the black feline represents the ability to meditate, self-confidence, spiritual withdrawal, freedom and independence.

7- Why Halloween?

Rome even celebrated Halloween for a while before Christ, however, the party became known as pagan and banned by the Catholic Church...

who soon dubbed the celebration Halloween in order to diminish and defame the celebration.