App to Detect Metals and Treasures


In a world where technology is constantly surprising us, it's amazing how we can still detect metals and treasures hidden beneath the earth.

Whether you're a treasure hunting enthusiast, an amateur archaeologist, or someone who's simply curious, technological advances have made the practice of metal detecting more accessible than ever.

With just a few taps on your mobile device screen, you can venture out in search of buried artifacts and buried emotions.


Metal Detector by Smart Tools Co.

This app provides a simple and effective experience for detecting nearby metals.

With an intuitive interface, simply calibrate your device and start exploring.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this app offers a variety of settings to suit your needs.

Metal Detector by AppAspect Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

With a wide range of features, this app is a popular choice among treasure hunters.

In addition to detecting metal, it also provides useful information about the signal strength and distance to the object.

Its user-friendly interface and additional features make the metal detecting experience even more exciting.

Metal Detector EMF

This app goes beyond traditional metal detection by utilizing electromagnetic field (EMF) technology to detect nearby metal objects.

With a clean and easy-to-use interface, it is a great option for those looking for an innovative approach to metal detecting.

iMetalDetector – Detect metals and treasures

If you're looking for a versatile, feature-rich app, iMetalDetector is an excellent choice.

In addition to metal detection, it offers features like augmented reality and heat maps, making your treasure hunt even more exciting and interactive.

Step by Step: How to Install and Use the Applications

App Store Access

Open your mobile device's app store (App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android).


In the search bar, type the name of the desired app (for example, “Metal Detector by Smart Tools Co.”).

Selection and installation

Select the correct app from the search results and tap the install button. Wait until the download and installation is complete.


After installation, open the app and follow the instructions to calibrate your device according to the recommended settings.


With the app properly calibrated, start exploring your area of interest. Hold the device horizontally and move it gently to detect nearby metals.

Settings (optional)

Depending on the application, you may want to adjust settings to improve detection accuracy or access additional features such as heat maps or augmented reality.

Enjoy the search

Get caught up in the thrill of searching for hidden treasures and enjoy the journey while using your metal detecting app.

Not only do these apps provide a convenient way to explore the world around us, they also rekindle the spirit of adventure and discovery that has long defined treasure hunting.

By connecting with the past through modern technology, today's treasure hunters are delving into a universe of possibilities, where every warning sign could be the promise of a buried story waiting to be told.

With these apps in hand and a little curiosity, you're ready to begin your journey in search of buried treasure.

May precious metals and ancient artifacts be within reach of your detector!