Check out some essential steps for creating a blog

Are you thinking about creating a blog, but don't know exactly where to start? Well, don't worry, because we'll give you some tips that can help you!

There are some steps to follow that are considered essential when create a blog, how to choose themes that will be addressed in the subjects, the layout, to the social media in which your it will be disclosed, among others.

Essential steps to create a blog!

Step 1: Choose themes

First, to create a blog it is necessary to choose which subjects will be treated, for example, if there will be several such as trip, gastronomy It is entertainment. Or else, if it will be for a more specific niche like a blog about fashion It is beauty etc.

Step 2: Blog name

After choosing the subjects to be treated, you will need to think of a name, choose one that is different. you can enter websites to search which names are available. Generally, these sites are paid and you will need to buy the domain name, but then it becomes yours.

Check out some sites to buy the domain:

Step 3: Target Audience

Then, when you have already made the choice of name It is themes that will be addressed in the blog, comes one of the most important parts which is to verify which is the target Audience.

For example, if my blog is about trip, the readers will probably be those who like articles about traveling, trails, extreme adventures, getting to know countries with different cultures.

It is to this audience that I have to bring articles that arouse their attention and curiosity to learn more about a country, check out more information about travel package deals, etc.

Step 4: Create the blog

After knowing what your target Audience and have already chosen the name It is themes. It's time to put your hand in the dough and start the blog creation. For this, look for sites that create free blogs or those with affordable prices.

Check out some sites to create your blog:

These sites give you an option to free creation, such as, for example, the wix It is wordpress. However, to make changes, change themes, URL and other elements, you need to buy the blog. Therefore, we recommend that you evaluate which option is more viable.

In case of wordpress, you just need to define the domain, for example, whether it will be “.net”, “.com” or “”. Afterwards, you will need to accommodation, usually when you buy a domain for a website this is already included. 

Step 5: Layout

After create your blog, you will need to choose one layout which will be the look of your blog. Sites like wix It is wordpress offer free themes, which are more basic in which you can make some changes.

Now if you want something more elaborate, you can choose to buy a theme or create your own. But to create a theme you will need to have more knowledge in HTML It is css, which are codes that help create themes.

But if you are not familiar with this part, don't worry, there are paid sites where you can choose a theme, buy it and copy the code, placing it in your site's layout settings.

Step 6: Write your first stories

Once you have your blog ready, it's time to start to write! look for some matters and write about them. The ideal in a blog is to present tips and articles that are simpler and easier to read.

So, start by writing about a subject that you like, for example, if you like to write about fashion, start by writing about looks that are trending at certain times of the year, etc.

Step 7: Promote your blog

First, you can start disclosing in your social media with friends and people who are interested in the subjects of your blog. Then you can create a page, for example, in Facebook and share articles on the blog.

Then, to get more views, you can boost this content with tools that the social network itself offers to page administrators.

Step 8: Have fun with your blog!

After everything is ready, you can whenever possible keep the blog with updated articles and keep track of how your page is moving. But don't forget that the main thing is to have fun with your own blog!