App Para Fazer Maquiagem Através Do Celular


Você sabia que é possível fazer maquiagem através do seu celular e ver como ficaria antecipadamente a sua make favorita? APRENDA LIBERAR INTERNET GRATUITA NO CELULAR – CLIQUE AQUI Encontramos três aplicativos que estão se destacando no mercando por sua incrível capacidade de maquiar qualquer pessoa online. Nesse blog post você conhecerá os três melhores … read more

4 steps to make a cat eyeliner

delineado gatinho

Cat eye is a classic makeup look that has been around for decades and to achieve this look, you will need to start by creating a thin line on your upper lash line using an eyeliner pencil. Start from the outer corner and work towards the inner corner of the eye. Once the initial line has been created,… read more

Application that teaches Automakeup


The app that teaches self-makeup is a way for users to try out looks, find tutorials and discover new products. With the growing beauty industry, makeup apps have become more sophisticated, allowing users to customize their looks. SELF MAKEUP APP If you are looking to create your own unique look or simply… read more

5 steps to make up at home

se maquiar

One of the main benefits of applying makeup at home is that you can customize it to match your skin tone and type and you can also save money by not having to buy expensive cosmetics in a store or online. Step 1: Preparing your skin when applying makeup Before starting your skincare routine… read more